Monday, 16 April 2012

Topic 3: Online Communication

Posted by dieda khalida at 11:16 am
In this entry, we will cover on Online Communication. In this topic, we will focus on two basic types of e-learning are commonly compared that are asynchronous and synchronous. Until recently, e-learning initiatives mainly relied on asynchronous means for teaching and learning. However, recent improvements in technology and increasing bandwidth capabilities have led to the growing popularity of synchronous e-learning. Let move to the definition first.

Definition of Synchronous 
It refers to a group of people that learning the same things at the same time in the same place. Lecturer is the example in synchronous learning where they teach in face-to-face environment and with the introduction of web conferencing tools, people can learn at the same time in different places as well. For example use instant messaging or live chat, video conferencing allow for students and teachers to collaborate and learn in the real time. 

Definition of Asynchronous 
It is a student-centered teaching method that uses online learning resources to facilitate information sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a network of people. It includes email, electronic mailing list, online discussion boards, wikis and blogs.

This picture shows the flow of asynchronous and synchronous learning method.

There was a student a where he love to use synchronous as his learning method. As for him opinion's, he said that it is easy to understand and easily absorbs in his mind on what the topic is all about. In addition, he also said when he don't understand about particular topic, he can easily ask the lecturer instead of using email, discussion boards and so on. If you are a student, which learning method you prefer? Is it Synchronous or Asynchronous?


Idzmeer on 18 April 2012 at 09:14 said...

i prefer synchronous..
it helps the student to understand the points better than asynchronous method by having face-to-face learning..

Mohd Faizal on 18 April 2012 at 09:20 said...

Synchronous better. easy to discuss :D

mizi on 18 April 2012 at 09:26 said...

synchronous is good for when you're not going to be able to came, during classes for instance, due to sickness etc.

adieyz on 18 April 2012 at 09:28 said...

I do agree with all comments above, synchronous easy to discuss and sharing ideas :)

Fadli Azali said...

I think it depends on what kind of student you are. There is no method that is suitable for everyone. Some students may prefer to learn synchronously, and some may prefer to do it asynchronously. It depends on what kind of student you are, and what method works for you.

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